
Monday, June 3, 2013


Most adults  now a days,  greater risk of stroke or heart attack because their blood pressure is too high.

Almost half of under-35s have blood pressure above healthy limits and a third are in the high to very high range, even younger suffer high blood pressure.

Jogging for just an hour a week can increase your life expectancy by around six years,

Jogging delivers multiple health benefits, improving oxygen uptake and lowering blood pressure, as well as many more benefits. 

Any physical activity can help lower blood pressure  by ­strengthening the heart so it can pump more blood with less effort, decreasing the force on the arteries. Also walking can be just as effective as jogging.

One product of forever living can help to lower or even to normal our blood pressure, a powerful food supplement.

ARCTIC SEA, provides a perfect balance of Omega-3 fatty acids in a proprietary blend of natural fish oil and calamari oil to better support your cardiovascular system, The primary disease in the world is cardiovascular problem or insufficient blood circulation,

The high quality of omega3 helps to balance by improving the optimal blood pressure. It is necessary in the following symptoms: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, retention of water, poor eyesight, loss of memory, different forms of depression, frequent infections and inflammations, dry skin, tingling of muscles in arms and legs, etc.

I mentioned, Omega-3 rich in two substances (EPA and DHA), these are important elements that help lowering the harmful cholesterol level and  the triglyceride as well  decreasing the  risk d of artery blockage. Omega-3 fats  supports cardiovascular health by cleaning the arteries.

Now the new improve forever arctic sea is much smaller than the usual size, it is easier to swallow specially the kids, and no unpleasant after taste, No over dose and under dose, Take 1 capsule a day for prevention, and for better shape.

Healthy eating habit help also to reduce high blood pressure, whole grains, vegetable, fruits low fat dairy products, avoid junk food and soft drink, chocolates,  

Take arctic sea one capsule three time a day, also good for Lukemia, diabites, goiter, kidney problem, and cancer patient. 

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