
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fertility Food, Royal Jelly

          Royal Jelly contans vitamins A, C, D and E and also rich natural storehouse of the B complex vitamins. A major ingredients is vitamins B5 (pantothenic Acid). one of the most important substances in the body essentialfor the synthesis and metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and several hormones. 
          Royal Jelly contains all eight essential amino acid and notable amounts of the minerals calcuim, copper, iron, phosporous, potassuim, silicon and sulphur. Royal Jelly also contains nucleic acid. Royal Jelly is high in protien and is produced during the digestion of pollen.
          Royal Jelly is a substance that is secreted by nurse worker bees glands. The secretion is known as royal jelly and it is the main food source for the first 3 days of the larva. One larva that is to be the Queen Bee is fed only royal jelly its entire life. This exclusive feeding triggers the full development of her ovaries which is needed to lay the millions of eggs she will lay in her lifetime. The Queen matures in 5 days and weighs double that of a worker bee. A worker bee only lives to be 30-45 days old, but the Queen bee lives to be 5 to 6 years old. The queen also lays in one season around 250,000 eggs and in peak season she may lay up to 2000 eggs a day. This may have something to do with the extremely high nutritional content of the Royal Jelly which is this Queen’s exclusive diet.

Benifit from Royal Jelly:
  • To increase libido
  • Support egg and sperm health
  • Diminish and reduce the signs of aging
  • To reduce inflammation caused by illness or injury
  • To naturally boost the body’s immune system

Learn more the Product:

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