
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Kidney Problem and Dialysis

          Kidneys and liver are main filters in charge of removing toxin from the body, which come from foods, drugs we take, environment, and more. A general poisoning of the body occurs because the existence of many toxin that enter in the blood, whether by consumption of alcohol, smog, smoking, taking of drugs and eating of foods in high toxins like red meat especially pork. the effect of this are primarily on the liver and kidneys which can cause serious problems and disease.

          For Treatment change life style eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink fresh orange and grape juice mix with aloe vera drink.

Product of Forever living To Take

Aloe Vera Gel (juice) 120ml - 180 ml three times daily before meal

Gingko Plus three tablets daily one each meal. Contains Schizandra chinesis which enhances the kidney and           liver functions.

Lycuim Plus three tablets daily one each meal, Contains licorice extract which improves the liver functions and reducing the amount of toxic enzymes in the blood.

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