
Monday, November 25, 2013

Memory Booster

          GINGKO PLUS extract from the gingko leaf yields flavonoids and ternoids which strengthens the capillaries. They also act as antioxidants. It has been shown to increase circulation of the blood to the brain, making it remarkable as brain tonic. Gingko plus is a combination of gingko biloba and three Chinese potent herbs like ganoderma or Reishi Mushroom Schisandra berries and Fo-ti. 

          Lot of benefits from gingko, food for the brain, enhance blood circulation of the brain, potent anti-oxidant, anti aging, anti-stress and anti-depressant. Reduse risk of Alzheimers disease. Increases oxygen supply to the heart, brain and the intire body. Normalizes blood sugar and blood pressure, inhibit blood clotting. Improves memory and relieves muscles pains. Helpful for vertigo, hearing loss impotence, tinnitus, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. Relieves leg crams by improving circulation.  Effective for asthma, eczema, kidney disorders. Helps in the treatment of fatigue, viral infections, tumors, cancer and migraine. Also good for epileptic patient.   

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