
Friday, March 7, 2014

Spaghetti Sardines

          Many of us underestimate the sardines. But sardines Is the most nutritious food in the world according to Dr. Ong. Try how to prepare and cook sardines in a very simple way, 

The Spaghetti Sardines.

1. Put small amount of oil into the pan.
2. Sauté garlic and onion.
3. Put the two cans mashed sardines with tomato sauce. Simmer for five minutes.
4. Put the cooked spaghetti noodles, and mix with prepared sauce.

Benefits of Sardines; 

          Omega 3 and Fatty Acid – Sardines is rich of omega 3 According to the American Heart Association. Omega 3 increase good cholesterol and protect our heart from stroke. Co-enzyme Q10 – Did you know that sardines has high level of Co enzyme Q10, an anti-oxidant that strengthens the body. Calcium – Calcium from sardines help to strengthening the bones. Vitamin V12 – Aside from Calcium and Vitamin D, Sardines Has also vitamin B12 for healthy nerves, brains, and spinal cord. The Vitamin B12 also help strengthening our body, and help to create blood. Phosphorus – Sardines contain Phosphorus that helps strengthens bones and teeth. For losing weight, sardines contains lower calories, and also contains high protein that provides energy. For healthy dish Select Sardines with tomato sauce. Tomato has an element of Lycopene and beta carotene that helps to prevent heart disease, prostate cancer and colon cancer.                                     

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