
Friday, December 11, 2015

Health Benefits Of The Superb Ginger

The regular consumption of ginger boosts the immune system in winter, and in case of chronic exhaustion and fatigue.

Ginger is recommended as a preventive tool against colds, inflammation of the airways and the digestive system, and its anti- inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects are due to gingerols, the active substances in the root.
Apart from preventing the symptoms of cold, it encourages circulation and warms the body, stimulates sweat and enhances the secretion of toxins. These are some of the reasons why ginger is often used for detoxification of the body.

You can obtain best effects if you use fresh ginger, but it can also be consumed as a tea, in compote, or in freshly squeezed juices.

Ginger is also useful in eliminating problems with the digestive system, so it should be added to meals. A drop of its essential oil in a glass of water will prevent cramps or bloating of the stomach after meals.
Moreover, ginger is one of the main ingredients in the preparation of Tibetan Tea, which is a remarkable kind of tea for longevity.

Drink Tibetan tea in sips throughout the day, or even better, a cup before each meal, in order to obtain good health and longevity.


5g grated ginger
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey
1 pinch of ground hot pepper
1 pinch of anise
2 liters water

Method of preparation:

Boil the water for 5 minutes, then, cool it down. Add the ginger, lemon juice, honey, pepper and anise. Drink it in little sips throughout the day, or even better, consume a cup before each meal.
This amount is enough for three people.

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