
Thursday, April 10, 2014


Royal Jelly is a substance derived from the pharyngeal glands of the honey bee. This “super food” of the bees is specially blended with enzymes and fed to each bee destined to become a queen. It is the exclusive food of the queen bee throughout her highly productive life, enabling her to lay up to 3,000 eggs per day during her six-year lifespan. Worker bees eating ordinary honey live only four to six weeks. Royal Jelly can help support the immune system, increase energy, and benefit the skin and hair, Forever Royal Jelly is extracted from the hive and immediately freeze-dried to remove only the excess water from the product, leaving the other elements intact.

Other benefits attributed to royal jelly are that it aids in cell regeneration, improves skin texture and clarity and increases the body’s resistance. It has also been shown to help reduce cholesterol. Royal jelly is high in protein, and is synthesised during the digestion of pollen. Royal jelly also contains acetycholine which plays a varied and important role in the function of the entire body, provoking adrenaline secretion.

Royal Jelly for fertility - scientific evidence has been found to back up this long suspected fact. Royal jelly is rich in amino acids, proteins, lipids, vitamins D and E, iron, and calcium which are all vital in ensuring your reproductive organs function at their best. The jelly also boosts your immune system to give you the best possible chance of conceiving. Though royal jelly is a powerful fertility booster, fertility is a complicated issue, so it is always worthwhile talking to a healthcare professional about how the substance can help you and what additional measures you could take. Royal Jelly will not increase your egg production, it may help to strengthen your eggs, making them more likely to fertilize and implant within the uterus. Containing a complex blend of amino acids, vitamins, essential enzymes, sterols, proteins and sugars, not to mention and essential fatty acids, iron and calcium, royal jelly supplements may help to: regulate your period. make ovulation more predictable, strengthen your eggs increase sperm counts in men, protect female eggs and male sperm from free radicals, increase sperm health and motility, reduces inflammation throughout the body.

Other Ingredients
Sorbitol, fructose, citric acid, natural orange flavour, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, silica.
60 tablets.
Take 1 tablet, twice daily.

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